Poštovane koleginice i kolege,


S velikim zadovoljstvom Vas pozivamo na naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem  “IZAZOVI U TEORIJI I PRAKSI SOCIJALNOG RADA SA MIGRANTIMA” koja će se održati 17. juna 2019. godine u organizaciji Visoke škole socijalnog rada u Beogradu.

Skup se organizuje u okviru projekta  „MI I ONI smo zaJEDNO“, koji partnerski realizuju Centar za društvene integracije (CDI) iz Vranja i Visoka škola socijalnog rada iz Beograda. Projekat je deo šireg programa „Jačanje socijalne zaštite za migrante u ranjivoj situaciji u Srbiji“,  koji sprovodi Međunarodna organizacija za migracije (IOM) uz finansijsku podršku Švajcarske agencije za razvoj i saradnju (SDC).

Cilj međunarodnog naučno-stručnog skupa je da analizira dimenzije i ukaže na izazove koji se postavljaju pred teoriju i praksu socijalnog rada u kontekstu rada sa migrantima.  Kroz komparativno promišljanje naučnih i stručnih radnika iz celog regiona o ovoj važnoj temi želimo da podstaknemo raspravu o perspektivama novih pristupa u pružanju socijalnih usluga migrantima i mogućim načinima rešavanja problema s kojima se susreću praktičari i istraživači u ovoj oblasti.  

Okvirne podteme koje mogu biti vodič za izlagače usmenih prezentacija su: savremena percepcija migracija, važnost pristupa obrazovanju, različitost i individualne potrebe dece migranata, psihološke posledice migracija, dostupnost socijalnih usluga migrantima i inovativni modeli socijalnih usluga.

Pozivamo sve zainteresovane naučne radnike, istraživače i stručnjake u Republici Srbiji i srpskoj dijaspori,  kao i naučne radnike, istraživače i stručnjake iz regiona da se prijave na skup koji će se održati 17. juna 2019. godine u prostorijama Visoke škole socijalnog rada u Beogradu.

Rok za predaju sažetka rada je 01. jun 2019. godine. Molimo Vas da se ovog roka pridržavate.

Svoje prijave i sažetke radova molimo pošaljite na imejl adresu konferencija@asp.edu.rs

Predviđeno vreme za izlaganje je 15 minuta.

Službeni/radni jezici skupa su: srpski, hrvatski, bosanski i engleski.

Za prijavu teme je potrebno poslati naslov teme, sažetak do 250 reči i 5 ključnih reči na jednom od službenih jezika skupa i na engleskom jeziku.

Sažetak treba poslati u Word dokumentu, font TNR, veličina 12, jednostrukog razmaka.

Zbornik sažetaka radova biće pripremljen na cd-u do početka rada konferencije.

Učešće na skupu je besplatno.

Skup je u postupku akreditacije u Komori socijalne zaštite i Zdravstvenom savetu.

Svi učesnici konferencije u obavezi su da se prijave unošenjem potrebnih podataka u onlajn prijavni. Rok za prijavu je 25. maj 2019. godine.

Radujemo se susretu i uspešnom zajedničkom radu.

S poštovanjem,

U ime programskog i organizacionog odbora skupa

Prof. dr Vladimir Ilić, direktor Visoke škole socijalnog rada u Beogradu, predsednik Programskog odbora

Doc. dr Sanja Đurđević, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, predsednica Organizacionog odbora


Invitation Letter


International scientific– professional conference




Highly Esteemed Colleagues,

It gives us great pleasure to invite you to the scientific-professional conference with international participation “Challenges in theory and practice of social work with migrants“ which will take place on June 17, 2019 and is organized by The College of Social Work in Belgrade.

This conference is organized as a part of the project “We and tHEm ARe Together – HEART“ carried out by the Centre for the Social Integration (CDI), Vranje and the College of Social Work, Belgrade. It is a part of a wider programme “Strengthening social protection for migrants in vulnerable positions in Serbia”, which is financed by The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and carried out by The International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The aim of this meeting is to analyse dimensions and point at the challenges which social work faces in theory and practice in the context of work with migrants. Through comparative reflection of scientific and professional workers from across the region on this important topic, we want to encourage discussion of the perspectives of new approaches in providing social services to migrants and possible ways of solving the problems encountered by practitioners and researchers in this field. General subtopics which can be guidelines for oral and poster presentations are: contemporary view on migrations, importance of availability of education, diversity and individual needs of migrant children, psychological consequences of migrations, availability of social services to migrants and innovative models of social services.  We invite all interested scientists, researchers and experts in the Republic of Serbia and Serbian Diaspora, as well as scientists, researchers and experts from the region to apply for the conference that will be held on June 17, 2019 in the premises of the College of Social Work in Belgrade.

The deadline for sending abstracts is Jun 01, 2019. We kindly ask you to adhere to this deadline.

Please submit the abstract in electronic form to the email address: konferencija@asp.edu.rs

Individual presentations should not exceed 15 minutes each.

Conference languages are Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and English.

The application should contain the title of the paper, an abstract of up to 250 words with 5 key words in one of the conference languages and English.

The abstract should be sent in the Word document, the TNR font, size 12, single space. 

The Collection of Abstracts will be prepared in CD-ROM format prior to the beginning of the Conference.

Participation in the conference is free of charge. For all active participants from abroad, travel and accommodation costs will be covered  by the organizer.  The conference is in process of accreditation in the Serbian Social Protection Chamber and the Health Council. 

All conference participants are required to apply by supplying the required information in the online application form.

The deadline for application is May 25, 2019. We look forward to our meeting and fruitful cooperation. 

On behalf of the Conference Scientific and Organizing Committee

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Vladimir Ilić, PhD, Director of The College of Social Work in Belgrade, Chairman of The Scientific Committee

Assistant Professor Sanja Đurđević, PhD, The College of Social Work, Chairwoman of The Organizing Committee

Prijavni obrazac:
Application form: