Language Policy
The College of Social Work offers courses taught in Serbian. All study programs are officially accredited to be taught in Serbian, but incoming students receive full support for classes in English.
English language, as a course, constitutes an integral part of the College curriculum.
Students in mobility programs attend standard courses of foreign languages held within the College of Social Work. Students may choose from a wide range of languages at different levels, from beginner to advanced. Students must achieve a satisfactory level of language skills before mobility.
The College also offers a wide range of English courses for all College employees – teachers, researchers, administrative staff, including study department services and library services. These courses are supplemented by PowerPoint presentations and Moodle applications. Teachers may attend courses in English for special purposes.
Incoming students and staff may attend courses of Serbian and English organized within the College.
An incoming student’s level of both Serbian and/or English is evaluated during the selection process on the basis of provided documentation. All international applicants, applying for programs whose native language is not English or Serbian, are required to provide proof of English or Serbian proficiency in the form of a certificate, diploma or other evidence that applicants have completed and passed an English course at the university level. The lowest level of language proficiency required to satisfy the language requirement is “intermediate”.
Should incoming student need additional support in studying these languages, the College will provide courses of Serbian and English for the determined level of the student, from beginner to advanced. Incoming students are offered any help in order to maintain their performance in class.