Paper length: 24.000 minimun, 30.000 maximum characters (with spaces)
Languages: Serbian and English
Text format: MS Word (docx, doc)
Font: Times New Roman, Latin script
Page format: A4 (210×297mm)
Line spacing: 1,5
Margins: left 2cm, right 1,5cm, top 2cm, bottom 1,5cm
Title of paper: 14 pt., bold, alignment centered, in upper case, one line spacing above and below title
Names and afilliation of authors: 12 pt., alignment centered, one line spacing below title, the author who is to present the paper must be underlined
Author’s e-mail for correspondence: in the first footnote, 10 pt., alignment justified, at the bottom of the cover page
Abstract: 200-300 words, 12 pt., alignment justified, one line below affiliation
Summary: at the end of paper, after the list of cited references, in English; same requirements as the abstract
Keywords: right below the abstract are given up to 6 keywords
Body: 12 pt., alignment justified
Subtitles: 12 pt, bold, upper case, alignment justified, one line spacing above and below subtitle
Citing: 10 pt., cited references are to be given in footnotes
(example: John Dunn, Setting the People Free, London, Atlantic books, 2005, p. 161;
or: Sigmund Freud, “Thoughts for the time of war and death“, in: Freud, Civilization, Society and
Religion, ed. Albert Dickson, London, Penguin,1991, p.77
References: 12 pt., reference sources are to be given in alphabetical order, at the end of paper
(example: Dunn, John, Setting the People Free, London, Atlantic books, 2005.
Freud, Sigmund, “Thoughts for the time of war and death”, in: Freud,
Civilization, Society and Religion, ed. Albert Dickson, London,
Title of pictures:12 pt., italic, centered below picture
Title of tabels: 12 pt., italic, centered above table
Picture formats: TIF, GIF, JPG, BMP, WMF, CDR
Papers are to be submitted via e-mail: alos2019@asp.edu.rs
Lecturer`s Bio Form
Lecturer`s Bio Form