The College of Social Work Belgrade
Belgrade, December 1-2, 2022.
The Theme of the Conference:
In line with its mission to develop education and science, the College of Social Work in Belgrade, in cooperation with the Social Protection Chamber, is organising the Fifth International Scientific Conference in Speech and language pathology, Occupational therapy, Social work, and Psychology – ALOPS22.
As in previous years, this scientific conference provides an opportunity to unite the leading views of domestic and foreign academic scientists and astute practitioners on speech and language pathology, occupational therapy, social work and psychology. Appreciating your previous results in your scientific and professional career, we would like to invite you to join us and contribute to our International Scientific Conference by exchanging knowledge and experience.
ALOPS22 is planned as a conference that will be held at the College of Social Work in Belgrade in combination with participation via the Zoom application.
Preventive approaches in speech and language pathology
Latest developments in speech and language pathology diagnostics
Innovative technology in speech and language pathology
Contemporary models of speech therapy
Normative framework of speech and language pathology as a profession
Speech therapy profession in the Covid pandemic
Special education and rehabilitation
Challenges and experiences in working as an occupational therapist
Performance and assessment models in occupational therapy
Occupational therapy in children
Occupational therapy and healthy ageing
Occupational therapy and mental health
Occupational therapy and physical rehabilitation
Occupational therapy and early intervention
Family support and empowerment
Sensory integration therapy
Modern and assistive technologies
Evidence-based practice
Psychological crisis interventions
Stress, trauma and resilience
Crises and development
Mental health challenges
The psychology of crisis communication
Creativity and innovation in times of crisis
Youth dating violence prevention
Information technologies in psychotherapy and counselling
Understanding domestic violence and sexual abuse from a psychological and psychotherapeutic perspective
Multiculturalism in the theory and practice of psychological counselling
Lifelong development and education
The impact of the crisis on education and sustainable development
Social protection experiences at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic
The impact of the pandemic on the rise of domestic and peer violence
Addictions: new forms, virtual reality
Cyberspace – a new aspect of violence Justice and social protection
New aspects of psychotherapy for the profession of social work Advisory and supervisory work in social protection
New forms of psychosocial preventive programs
Economic activity and the non-governmental sector as an interesting field for creativity in social work
Caring for the elderly: challenges in social protection
,, presidentORTANT DATES:
Application and abstract submission deadline: 5 October 2022.
Confirmation of acceptance of the abstract: 10 October 2022.
Full paper submission deadline: 5 October 2022.
Confirmation of acceptance of the paper: 1 November 2022.
Active participants send their registration forms and CVs via email: alops22@asp.edu.rs
Early registration fee until 10 October 2022.
Regular registration fee November 2022.
After those dates, the registration fee: 150€ (in RSD).
For the participants from other countries:
until 10 October 2022 | until 15 November 2022 | |
Active participants | 60 EUR |
90 EUR
Passive participants | 40 EUR |
60 EUR
Student fee* | 20 EUR | 30 EUR |
* student registration fee is for all undergraduate and master’s students of Language and Speech Therapy and Social work from all accredited higher education institutions in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia. The number of applications is limited.
The accounts for payments:
Account number: 170-0030036480000-17 Unicredit bank
Payments from abroad: RS0071900001783 Komercijalna banka
Payment beneficiary: Visoka škola socijalnog rada
Address: Terazije 34, 11000 Beograd
Payment purpose: ALOPS22 + name and surname
Send the (scanned) copy of the payment slip to the e-mail: alops22@asp.edu.rs
Registration fee includes Book of Proceedings (CD), conference materials, refreshments during the Conference*.
Payment of the conference fee and two positive reviews are necessary for publishing a paper.
The official/working languages of the Conference are Serbian and English.
If you would like to participate actively in the Conference, you can send an abstract only or an abstract and the full paper.
The abstract should include the author’s name and surname, affiliation, manuscript title, the content of the abstract and keywords. The abstract should contain up to 300 (font 12, Times New Roman, Justify), including the subject matter of the research, the objective of the research, theoretical and methodological approaches used in the research, results and conclusions. Right below the abstract, there should be given up to 5 keywords. One person can participate as the author or co-author of a maximum of two papers, only once as the first author. Both Serbian and English versions of the manuscript title and abstract should be sent. All abstracts submitted to the conference will be reviewed. The abstracts of papers accepted for the presentation at the Conference will be published in the Book of Abstracts.
Full papers with two positive reviews will be published in the thematic Books of Proceedings – M14 and M33 categories, after being presented at the Conference. Also, full papers should be sent both in Serbian and English.
Please send your abstracts, registration forms and CVs to email: alops22@asp.edu.rs
The full paper submission deadline is July 1st, 2022.
It is crucial to prepare the papers according to the given propositions. Please, keep in mind that the authors themselves are responsible for the proofreading of their papers.
Paper length: 24,000 minimum, 30,000 maximum characters (with spaces)
Languages: Serbian and English
Text format: MS Word (.docx, .doc)
Font: Times New Roman, Latin script
Page format: A4 (210×297mm)
Line spacing: 1,5
Margins: left 2cm, right 1.5cm, top 2cm, bottom 1.5cm
Title of paper: 14 pt., bold, alignment centred, in upper case, one line spacing above and below the title
Names and affiliation of the contributors: 12 pt., alignment centred, one line spacing below the title, the contributor who is to present the paper must be underlined
Contributor’s e-mail for correspondence: in the first footnote, 10 pt., alignment justified, at the bottom of the cover page
Abstract: 200-300 words, 12 pt., alignment justified, one line below affiliation
Summary: at the end of the paper, after the list of cited references, in English; the same requirements as the abstract
Keywords: right below the abstract are given – up to 6 keywords
Body of the text: 12 pt., alignment justified
Subtitles: 12 pt., bold, upper case, alignment justified, one line spacing above and below subtitle, without numbering
Citing: APA 6
Cited references are in alphabetical order, 10 pt, regular, double-sided alignment
Title of images: 12 pt., italic, centred below the image
Title of tables: 12 pt., italic, centred above the table
Image formats: TIF, GIF, JPG, BMP, WMF, CDR
Papers are to be submitted via e-mail: alops22@asp.edu.rs
- The reference is enclosed in parentheses and should contain the author’s surname, year of publication and the page in the case of a literal citation (e.g. Mišović, 2016, p. 22; Hariss, 2010, pp. 24).
- For citing a reference with two authors, both authors’ surnames should be used wherever their work is cited (e.g. Ristić & Medenica, 2019).
- For citing a reference with three to five authors, the first time all authors are written in the text (e.g. Ristić, Medenica & Đurđević, 2016), and in the following citations, the surname of the first author and the abbreviation et al. should be used, and year of publication separated by comma (e.g. Hulm et al., 2007; Ristić et al., 2016).
- For citing a reference with six and more authors, only the surname of the first author and the abbreviation et al. should be used.
- If the author refers to several sources in the manuscript at the same time, the references in parentheses should be listed in alphabetical order, separated by a semicolon, and if there are more references by the same author, then chronologically, separated by a comma (e.g. Begić, 2017; Junuzović-Žunić, 2002, 2013; Teskeredžić, 2014). In case more references of one or more authors from the same year appear in the text, it is necessary to use lowercase for each of the references after the year of publication, starting with the lowercase a for the source that first appears in the text (e.g. Kiš-Glavaš, 2010a; Kiš-Glavaš, 2010b; Kiš-Glavaš, 2012a,b).
- At the end of the paper, the bibliography should list all sources referred to or cited in the text of the paper. The list of references is formed according to APA style – The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed., 2010.
- Alphabetical order of authors’ surnames and chronological order for works by the same author(s). References are given in their original form, in the letter in which they were published. When citing online sources, it is necessary to write the date of downloading the information.
Examples of citing an article with one author:
- Marković, M. (2012). Teorija disperzije i vokalski sistem srpskog jezika. Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku, 55(2), 53-70.
- Alt, M. (2011). Phonological working memory impairments in children with specific language impairment: Where does the problem lie? Journal of Communication Disorders, 44 (2), 173–185.
Examples of citing an article with two authors:
- Milošević, N., & Vuković M. (2016). Fonološka vještina kao determinanta definiranja i interpretacije fonološkog poremećaja. Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja, 52(2), 83-94.
- Austin, B. S., & Lee, C. L. (2014). A Structural Equation Model of Vocational Rehabilitation Services: Predictors of Employment Outcomes for Clients with Intellectual and Co-occurring Psychiatric Disabilities. Journal of Rehabilitation, 80(3), 11-20.
Examples of citing an article with three to five authors:
- Radić Šestić M., Milanović Dobrota, B., & Radovanović, V. (2013). Zainteresovanost osoba sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću za zaposlenje. Beogradska defektološka škola, 19(1), 171-182.
- Burge, P., Quellette-Kuntz, H., & Lysaght, R. (2007). Public views on employment of people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 26, 29-37.
Examples of citing an article with six and more authors:
- Bax, M., Goldstein, M., Rosenbaum, P., Leviton, A., Paneth, N., Dan, B., …& Damiano, D. (2005). Proposed definition and classification of cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 47(8), 571-576.
Examples of citing an article with DOI number:
- Andrews, A., & Rose, J.L. (2010). A Preliminary Investigation of Factors Affecting Employment Motivation in People With Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 7(4), 239-244. DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-1130-2010.00272.x
Examples of citing books:
- Gligorović, M. (2015). Procena radnih sposobnosti, sklonosti i veština osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću. Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Izdavački centar (ICF).
- Bernthal, J., & Bankson, N. (2004). Articulation and Phonological Disorders (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Examples of citing a chapter of a book:
- Jablan, B., & Hanak, N. (2008). Teorija uma dece sa oštećenjem vida. U N. Glumbić (Ur.), Teorija uma dece sa posebnim potrebama (str. 96-110). Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju – Izdavački centar (CIDD).
- Moriss, J.R., & Moriss, Y.P. (2011). Developmental Disabilities. In S.R. Flanagan, H. Zaretsky & A. Moroz (Eds.), Medical aspects of disability: A handbook for the rehabilitation professional – Fourth Edition (pp. 237-264). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Examples of citing papers from a book of proceedings:
- Petričević, M., & Vantić-Tanjić, M. (2018). Samopoimanje braće i sestara djece s posebnim potrebama. U M. Nikolić & M. Vantić-Tanjić (Ur.), Zbornik radova „Unapređenje kvalitete života djece i mladih“ (str. 247-259). Tuzla: Udruženje za podršku i kreativni razvoj djece i mladih.
- Nikolic, M., Vantic-Tanjic, M., & Imširović, F. (2010). Influence of gender on friendship quality evaluation at students with slow cognitive development in regular education conditions. In G. Nedovic et al. (Eds.), „Special education and rehabilitation-science and/or practice“ (pp. 725-748). Sombor: Society of Special Educators and Rehabilitators of Vojvodina, Novi Sad.
Examples of citing doctoral and master theses:
- Bratković, D. (2002). Kvaliteta življenja osoba s umjerenom i težom mentalnom retardacijom u obiteljskim i institucionalnim uvjetima života (Doktorska disertacija). Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet.
- Franchi, D. (1998). Performance profile of children with learning disabilities and sensory integration dysfunction: An underlying constructional abilities deficit (Doctoral dissertation). Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto.
Examples of citing online sources:
- Siperstein, G. N., Sugumaran, K., Norins Bardon, J., & Parker, R. C. (2004). Attitudes of the Public in India towards People with Intellectual Disabilities /online/. Retrieved on 25th January 2018 from https://media.specialolympics.org/soi/files/healthy-athletes/Research-Studies/India_ Full_Report.pdf
- Zakon o obrazovanju u osnovnim i srednjim školama u Brčko distriktu Bosne i Hercegovine. (2008). Preuzeto 2. listopada 2014. sa http://skupstinabd.ba/ba/zakoni/ba/zakon-o-obrazovanju-u-osnovnim-i-srednjim-kolama.html
Technical characteristics of the poster
The poster for the paper presentation is supposed to be in the paper B1 format (707mm × 1000mm), and it must not exceed the specified dimensions. The weight of the paper with the poster on it should not be less than 140 g / m2.
The poster content
Below the poster heading, the title of the paper and the data concerning the author(s) and institutions must be written.
It is recommended that the poster consists of the following units:
- Abstract – written according to the given instructions for paper writing;
- Introduction – emphasise the research goals;
- Methods of work – describe the research sample, the measuring instruments, the method of conducting the research and the data processing methods;
- Results – present the results simply, using tables, graphs, images etc. followed by adequate legends;
- Conclusion – should be short and clear.
Authors can add other units that they consider necessary (literature, acknowledgements, etc.).
Defined font sizes and styles:
- Title of paper – Arial, 72 pt, Centered, All Caps
- Data concerning author(s) and institution(s) – Arial, 28 pt, Centered
Basic and obligatory rules:
- Prepare your presentation in PowerPoint 2007 or 2010 version.
- Send the presentation no later than five days before the conference to the e-mail: alops22@asp.edu.rs
- The time allocated for the oral presentation is 10 minutes.
Prof. dr Vladimir Ilić, direktor Visoke škole socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Doc. dr Emina Borjanić Bolić, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Prof. dr Miroslav Brkić, Fakultet političkih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija
Prof. dr Suada Buljubašić, Fakultet političkih nauka, Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina
Prof. dr Andrea Vlašić, Fakultet društvenih znanosti, Sveučilište Hercegovina, Bosna i Hercegovina
Prof. dr Katarina Galof, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia
Doc. dr Vera Despotović, Fakultet za medije i komunikacije, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, Srbija
Prof. dr Vesna Dukanac, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Prof. dr Sanja Đurđević, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Prof. dr Vladimir Ilievski, University of Ss Cyriland Methodious, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Social Work and Social Policy, Severna Makedonija
Prof. dr Uglješa Janković, Fakultet političkih nauka, Univerzitet Crne Gore
Prof. dr Svetlana Karić, Akademija strukovnih studija. Šabac, Srbija
Prof. dr Ljiljana Manić, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Prof. dr Christiane Mentrup, Institute of Occupational Therapy, Departement of Health Sciences ZHAW, Švajcarska
Prof. dr Tatjana Milivojević, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Prof. dr Neda Milošević, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Doc. dr sc Adnan Mujezinović, Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Zenci, Bosna i Hercegovina
Prof. dr Edin Mujkanović, Fakultet društvenih znanosti, Sveučilište Hercegovina, Bosna i Hercegovina
Prof. dr Natalija Perišić, Fakultet političkih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija
Prof. dr Srećko Potić, Visoka medicinska škola strikovnih studija “Milutin MIlanković”, Beograd, Srbija
Akademik Prof. dr Stojan Sekulić, Visoka strukovna škola ICEPS, Beograd, Srbija
Prof. emeritus dr Keith Storey, Touro University, Vallejo, California, USA
Prof. dr Saša Stepanović, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Prof. dr Đorđe Stojanović, Institut za političke studije, Beograd, Srbija
Prof. dr Srđan Stojanović, Visoka strukovna škola ICEPS, Beograd Srbija
Prim. dr Goran Čerkez, Federalno Ministarstvo zdravlja, Bosna i Hercegovina
Doc. dr. Lea Šuc, University Rehabilitation Institute, Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia
Assist. Prof. Maša Đurišić, PhD, College of Social Work, Belgrade, Serbia
Prof. dr Medenica Veselin, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Doc. dr Grbić Ana, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Doc. dr Đurđević Sanja, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Doc. dr Đurić Milorad, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Doc. dr Đurišić Maša, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Doc. dr Milošević Neda, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Doc. dr Pavić Panić Aleksandra, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Doc. dr Pejić Biljana, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
MA Perić Sandra, Komora socijalne zaštite, Beograd, Srbija
Doc. dr Ristić Ivana, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Stevanović Marija, Komora socijalne zaštite, Beograd, Srbija
Nikolić Mirjana, Komora socijalne zaštite, Beograd, Srbija
Ass. Trivković Tamara, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Doc. dr Čolić Gordana, Visoka škola socijalnog rada, Beograd, Srbija
Assist. Aleksandar Stevanović
Technical staff:
Petar Matić